Monday, December 27, 2010

Chapter 5 - The Shape of Evolution

Chapter 5 – The Shape of Evolution

All freshmen at Guilford College were required to take an inter-disciplinary class that was called Being Human in the 20th Century. (It had recently undergone a name change from Man in the 20th Century and eventually became The First Year Experience.) JR Boyd, the head of the Mathematics Department referred to them as “a bunch of damn circle classes.” That they were; we read a book, sat around in a circle discussing them and then wrote a paper on some aspect of the book. We read pieces like They Thought They Were Free: The Germans 1933 - 1945 by Milton Mayer and Flannery O’Connor’s Everything that Rises Must Converge. I wrote a paper on the biological origin of the soul. As a college freshman, I couldn’t see that there was some miraculous event that caused the soul to spring into existence. I don’t have a copy of the paper anymore but I remember it was not well received by anyone who read or heard about it, especially the teaching assistant who graded it. Now I better understand the hesitation. My paper lead one to believe that by some unknown evolutionary process that human awareness and intelligence (what we call the soul) came into being. Millions of words have been written about the evolutionary process and still people, not creationist, but educated folks, believe there was something missing. That something was emergence. Now we’re in a position to talk about how emergence and evolution work together to build the hierarchy of the universe.

Just to review, an emergent property is a new way of interacting that comes into existence in some as yet unknown process. There are some other terms that can be substituted for this, force and selection criteria are two most used. Every new emergent property leads to a new evolutionary process that “pushes” it into the environment, exploring every nook and cranny. You cannot have a little bit of life. Once life emerged, biological evolution took it to every corner of the earth. Once gravity emerged, gravitational evolution took it to every corner of the universe. The selection criteria set up how the universe selects winners and losers. In a very real sense, evolution is a game. (I suspect that is one of the reasons humans invent games. They are ways to simplify the universe into a much easier to understand pieces.) The universe has a finite amount of energy and matter in it. That implies there is always going to be a competition when the new selection criterion, through the evolutionary process, tries different combinations to see what works. There is no predetermined path; the changes (like the mutations in biological evolution) are random. The selection criteria works as the decision maker and some changes survive and some changes become extinct. In addition, once a change is selected for survival, the evolutionary process goes to work to change (and improve) it over time. One way to explore this continuous change and improvement is to look at what happens as a result of the process – taking a snapshot of the process along the way and look for patterns. A common technique is to look at how the evolutionary process distributes the emergent property in the new landscape.


People like to put things into groups. At an early age, we learned to sort toys by color or shape. Putting things into piles comes naturally to us and I think that it’s because that’s how the universe works. The evolutionary process makes small changes that are amplified over time. The new emergent property takes hold, spreading it across the environment. Since some of the changes are small, grouping things into larger buckets can help us better see the effects. The most popular distribution – because of its predictability – is the normal distribution. Let’s look at an example of a characteristic that exhibits a normal distribution.

Height Distribution

If you were to measure the height of every male aged 45- 54 in the United States and plot it in a frequency chart it would look like this.

This data came from the 2000 US Census. Along the bottom are the heights and the vertical line is how many people you measured with that height. The average height is between 5’8” and 5’9”. Very few middle aged men measure more than 6’4” and few are shorter than 5’. This familiar “bell-shaped” curve, another name for the normal distribution, is used in many fields – medicine, economics and college entrance test analysis. Normal distributions work best in places where the extremes between the highs and lows are small. In the case of height, the maximum difference between the tallest male and shortest male is less than 4 feet. There are physical limits to how tall a human can grow - gravity puts an upper limit on how tall you can make a human - there are no 12 foot humans. Whenever you have characteristics that have a fairly small range of values – height, weight, IQ – you’ll find the normal distribution. Statisticians work with normal distributions because they explain a lot of phenomenon and help in predicting outcomes. Most medical studies these days are based on normal distributions. When a study says something along the lines of - drinking a glass of red wine every day lowers your chances of cancer by 10% - it is depending on the normal distribution to make these pronouncements. (In a later chapter, we’ll talk about the limitations of these sorts of pronouncements. What exactly does a 10% reduction in risk of getting a certain kind of cancer mean? I remember a comic who did a bit about the Masters and Johnson sex study that said stated 60% of all married women engaged in extra-marital affairs. “Forget the statistics,” he said, “I want names and addresses!” The use of statistics is a necessity in modern clinical studies, but most folks fail to appreciate the statistics – they want the names and addresses of the people who avoid cancer by drinking red wine.)

Population Density

Now let’s look at something that doesn’t have the limited range of values associated with height or weight. The US Census data includes information about population density by state. Here we take the population of a state and divide it by the square mileage of the state to get the population density. While there is an upper limit on how high the population density could go, it turns out that for all practical purposes, it is infinite – since upper limit of population density is many thousands of times larger than the lower limit. (In comparison, the tallest human is not even three times taller than the shortest person.) Having a larger range of values to work with makes an incredible difference in how the distribution looks. Let’s start by looking at the raw data.

Along the bottom of the graph is an entry for each state (and the District of Columbia) and the vertical axis is the density. This is nothing like a normal distribution. It is more like a hockey stick lying on the ground. The scale in the vertical direction goes from 1 person per square mile (Alaska) to over 8,000 people per square mile (the District of Columbia). When the difference between the lowest values and highest values are so great, we can use some mathematics to make the picture easier to visualize. Logarithms are used to scale the vertical graph and make it easier to see how things relate to one another. Let’s look at a table of logarithms to see how they work.

















Logarithms “count” the amount of tens places in a number. While the numbers in the chart go from 1 to a million, the logarithm goes from 0 to 6. We turn large differences into small differences. Let’s look at the graph above using the logarithm of the population density instead of the actual population density.

Now the vertical scale goes from 0 to almost 4. That’s because the logarithm of 1 (which is the population density of Alaska) is 0 and the logarithm of 8,300 (the population density of the District of Columbia) is almost 4. Don’t be mislead, however, the raw data is the same and the population density still spans a scale of 1 to almost 10,000. (We call it 4 orders of magnitude, where an order of magnitude is 10 times as much. Between 1 and 10,000 are 4 orders of magnitude.) The logarithm makes it easier to see any patterns in the data. Now, just like the height data, we want to turn this data into a distribution by grouping states into buckets of population density. (The height data was already put into height buckets by the census bureau.) We’ll group the states by population density of single digits (1 – 10, 10 – 100, etc.) to form our buckets. We’ll make one more change in the graph to show the pattern more visibly. Instead of showing the number of states in each bucket – as we did for height- we’ll plot the logarithm of the number. Again, we use logarithms to turn large changes into smaller ones. The distribution of population density, graphed by the logarithm of the number of states in each bucket is below.

Here we see a downward sloping line from upper left to lower right. Because we are using logarithms in both the vertical and horizontal direction, for each step down and to the left we get 10 times fewer states with 10 times more population density. This curve happens so much it has been given its own name –a power curve. There are a relatively large number of states with low population densities and only one state with a really large population density. As you move downward and to the left on a power curve you get 10 times fewer things (in this case states) but each one is ten times more (in this case dense). Power curves manifest themselves in all sorts of places and I’d like to show a few examples.

Web Links – There are tens of millions of web sites with very few links. Small business, personal web pages all fall into this realm. There are thousands of websites (large businesses and government sites) with millions of links. There are hundreds of web sites with hundreds of millions of links – Google, Microsoft, etc.

Net Worth – There are billions of poor people in the world – defined as income under $100 a year. There are fewer than 100 people in the world with net worth over 10 billion dollars.

Actor’s Annual Income – Very few actors earn $20 million per picture, but there are a dozen or so that garner big paydays. They don’t have to audition for any part and “live the dream.” There are tens of thousands of actors that make less than the minimum wage, who tramp from audition to audition hoping for a break. Again, there are a lot of people making very little money and a few making tens of thousands of times more money.

Professional Athletes – See above.

In a normal distribution, the average clumps around the middle hump of the distribution (5’ 8” in the height distribution). In the power curve, the largest group is at the far left of the curve and as you move towards he right, the number drops off dramatically and the impact goes up dramatically. In a normal distribution, the largest values of the distribution are still relatively close to the average value – a very short person, say 3 feet tall, which is within 5 feet or so of the average height. In a power curve, the impact grows by orders of magnitude and the low values of net worth are nowhere near the average. That makes for an incredible draw for the struggling actors – or athletes or entrepreneurs or gamblers. They have to believe that if they can just hang in there and keep plugging along they’ll make it into the upper echelons of their profession. That very few make it is of little consequence because just knowing that someone can make it gives hope. The fact that every story of success is different (you should be thinking about chaos and the sensitivity of initial conditions here) means there is no one way to the top.

So far, we’ve focused on static distributions – looking at height distributions for a given year or population density for a given year. Distributions show you how the attribute looks at a given point in time. The distributions shown below came from the 2000 US census and the graphs would be different if we used data from previous census. In the early days of the United States, there were many fewer people and the population density was not nearly so spread out. I haven’t graphed things too far back, but I could believe that early on in the history of our country, population density followed more of a normal distribution. The evolutionary process “stretches” out the attribute and gives a competitive advantage to the outliers on the top end – the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, as the saying goes. Jared Diamond’s ”Germs, Guns and Steel” gives a number of historical accounts where a selection criteria emerged and led to an new evolutionary process that benefited some groups more than others.

We should try to better understand how the power curve works over time.

Evolution and the Power Curve

Any evolutionary process leads towards a power curve because as various mutations compete, some small set gain a competitive advantage over the rest and start accumulating more than their fair share of whatever resource is the source of competition and selection. In a December 17, 2010 NY Times Magazine article – A Physicist Solves the City – Geoffrey West’s work on population density is discussed. He has collected data that he says shows higher density leads to greater interaction which leads to more productivity. Although West’s work was done on cities, the same ideas apply to states. (We’ve already discussed how interactions are the basis of change so having more density leads to more change which leads to even more change, setting up a positive feedback loop, should seem familiar.) As a state increases its population density, perhaps because the weather was better, it experiences an increase in productivity which leads to more jobs and better pay rates which gives it a more competitive advantage over other states. Of course, having a small-sized state to begin with helps in this situation but that isn’t the driving force. Once a mutation gets selected, the feedback loop starts and when the tipping point is reached, the competition quickly falls behind. Malcolm Gladwell’s book, “Outliers” discusses this phenomenon and the story of junior hockey players is illustrative. The competitive advantage was how old a young player was relative to his peers. Since they are grouped by age, based on an entire year, players could be a much as a year older than their teammates. At the age of 10, that’s a big difference and is significant enough to give them a big leg up on becoming an elite junior hockey player. A December 25, 2010 excerpt from Eduardo Porter’s book, “The Price of Everything” discusses the capitalistic evolutionary process and its effect on the top pay for everyone from professional athletes to musical artists to bankers.

All of these writers are describing the same effect – an evolutionary process tied to an emergent selection criteria lead to the power curve. When there is a limiting factor (like gravity in the case of height or weight) you get a normal distribution. The large outliers we see at the ends of the power curve – the large number of very small at the upper left and the small number of very large at the lower right - get cut off and folded back into the middle of the power curve. This is described as the regression towards the mean and is an integral part of attributes that follow the normal distribution. Absent any external limitations, these outliers will not regress towards the mean and will spread out under evolutionary pressure and lead to a power curve. In fact, it is possible to see that some distributions start from normal distributions and as the evolutionary process plays out, the distribution spreads and more of the resource controlled by the process gets concentrated in the hands of the elite. Porter shows examples in the banking industry where before the Great Depression, limited regulation lead to a wider spread in income and post depression regulation lead to a more limited income spread throughout the banking industry. We’ll look at what happened in the 2000s when regulations were relaxed and the normal distribution was allowed to spread, via economic evolution, to a power curve.

To be complete, there are other types of interactions that can lead to power curves so just because you see a power curve does not mean that an evolutionary process is directly behind it. Let’s look at a one example where power curves are not tied directly to an evolutionary process.

Earthquakes – The familiar Richter scale for earthquakes uses a logarithm of the severity, so we’re already half way to a power curve. If you look at earthquake data over any period of time you’ll see a lot of little earthquakes and very few powerful earthquakes. It follows a power curve not because of evolution, but because it is the outcome of two closely matched, but powerful, forces working against each other. Earthquakes are formed as tectonic plates move past each other. There are many different ways they can slide past but let’s focus on a strike slip fault where the two plates slide along side of each other horizontally– like the infamous San Andreas Fault in California. The two plates – called the Pacific on the west and North American on the east - slide past each other at a slow rate of speed. These plates are massive so the forces between them are incredibly large. Most of the time, the place where the plates meet is like sandpaper so the plates slip past each other with a few little hitches. These small hitches represent small earthquakes. Every so often, a large outcropping in one or both of the plates catch on each other, like in the figure below, and the plates get hung up. The entire plate continues to move and the pressure between the plates builds up until it is finally large enough to overcome the resistance to movement formed by the outcroppings. The two plates explode past each other as the part of the fault that was “hung up” on the outcropping catches up to the rest of the plate. The distance covered as the plates realign themselves is directly related to the severity of the earthquake. During the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, these two plates moved approximately 21 feet and the quake’s intensity was estimated at 8.25 on the Richter scale. This is one of the largest earthquakes measured along the San Andreas Fault. A good question to ask is - why are there so few large earthquakes? It is directly related to the distribution on large outcroppings in the Pacific and North American plates. Now we see where an evolutionary process was involved. As the earth cooled from its initial state, the magma condensed in to rocks. If we plotted a graph of rock distribution by size, we’d find the familiar power curve as a result of the evolutionary process. There would be a lot of little rocks and a few large rocks embedded in the tectonic plates. Why? Large rocks get chewed up by the grinding action of the plates, turning them into smaller rocks. Initially there were probably more large rocks as the magma cooled, but over the millions of years of grinding the large rocks get turned into small rocks. Without a way to generate more large rocks, over time we see few large rocks and numerous smaller rocks. So even though earthquake distributions are not directly related to an evolutionary process, there is an evolutionary process as a secondary effect.

Normal Distributions and Power Curves in the Economy - In 2008, there was another power curve related event – the Recession – that illustrates the shape of the evolutionary curve and what happens when you misapply normal distribution predictions to power curve events. First off, any time you use a normal distribution to predict the outcome of an evolutionary process, you will eventually get it wrong. And not just a little bit wrong, you’ll eventually get it so wrong that you should lose your job. Why do people use normal distributions to make predictions for evolutionary processes? Remember those strange attractors? They give the appearance of a pattern and sometimes, the normal data fits the model when it is near a strange attractor. They get it right enough that they are lulled into a false sense of complacency. Then the chaotic system makes a move to another strange attractor, the model gets it very wrong for a while. If the system settles down into a new strange attractor, it goes back into looking like a pattern and we go back to our old models.

Prior to 2008, we were in a pattern governed by the strange attractor that was dominated by fact that average home prices increased every year. In its February 2009 issue, Wired magazine wrote an article “The Formula That Killed Wall Street” which discusses the formula used by banks to model risk more “accurately;” it is based on normal distributions. In the years leading up to 2008, the assumption of increasing home prices across most of the United States was true. Sure there were times and places (1980s in Texas and 1990s in San Diego) where home prices dropped but that didn’t affect the rest of the US. In a very real sense in decade preceding 2008 became a Ponzi Pyramid scheme based on real estate. Mortgage originators got paid fees to sign people up for mortgages, banks got fees for closing costs, ratings agencies got fees for ranking pools of mortgages and investment banks got fees for selling pools of mortgages (all of them with AAA ratings – imagine that!) to various investment groups looking for more interest for low risk. Ponzi schemes require dupes on the front end to bring in money and dupes on the back end to tell their friends what a great investment they found. You’ll notice the feedback loop similar to what we described in Chapter two, interactions that feed on themselves. As the pool of credit worthy people dried up, the mortgage originators started signing up for more and more riskier people to lend money to. The government was telling everyone that home ownership was a national right and it was imperative that we do everything we could to get more home owners. The loan originators were more than willing to sign up more and since the ratings agencies published their ranking models (which assumed housing prices would continue to rise) investment banks could continue to put together AAA rated pools of what turned out to be toxic mortgages and sell them as investment grade instruments. Some people noticed that this was a self-fulfilling prophecy – assuming housing prices would tend to rise across the US lead to poor credit risk people getting mortgages they could never pay back. These toxic mortgages were “magically” turned into investment grade instruments (of mass destruction) and sold to the masses. The folks who started doubting the models started placing bets that the mortgage market would fall. They believed that the market would eventually move from the current strange attractor (housing prices rising) to a new strange attractor (housing prices fall). The fact that some of those groups (like Goldman Sachs) were set to make money on both sides of the house – fees for selling the toxic investments and insurance collection when they failed – is painful. In 2010, Goldman Sachs settled with the SEC (without admitting fault, it’s good to not admit fault as it keeps one’s ass out of jail in a criminal prosecution) for $500 million in just one of the many mortgage deals they sold. Even more fascinating, Goldman thought there was a good chance that the people who were given these mortgages wouldn’t be able to pay them so they took out insurance with AIG to protect them in the (likely) event the economy went to hell in a hand basket. When AIG didn’t have enough money to pay the claims, the US government stepped in and paid Goldman Sachs (and others) 100 cents on the dollar (via a $80 billion bailout of AIG). It’s good to be king. [Aside: Goldman and some other banks deemed too big to fail were able to keep the money they made on the run up and kept in business to continue to make more money in the aftermath. In a strict evolutionary system, these leeches would have been allowed to fail and all of them would have gone bankrupt. A purely capitalistic society is too much for us to stomach so we have introduced various flavors of socialism to make the system more humane.] [Aside #2: The housing bubble was not an exclusively US event but I limited this discussion to the US situation.]

In the summer of 2008, Ben Bernake made a statement that the foreclosure problems were under control. That is because the models said things were under control. Every model used by the banks and mortgage risk analysts assumed a normal (also known as Gaussian) distribution. However, the economy is controlled by capitalism, which is the selection criterion for the US economy. By definition then, the US economy is chaotic and doesn’t follow a normal distribution. It was just a matter of time before the models got it wrong and boy did they get it wrong. The financial meltdown of 2008 started in just 35 counties, spread mostly between the states of California, Florida, Nevada and my home county of Fulton in the state of Georgia. As we found out, in a chaotic system (all evolutionary systems are chaotic) a small change can lead to large changes. When gasoline went to $4.50 a gallon, people in those 35 counties couldn’t drive to work and make their mortgage payments – especially as their introductory interest rates doubled or tripled their payments. That was the tipping point. These 35 counties started showing an increase in foreclosures and in a short amount of time, the entire economy was frozen. The transition from housing prices always rising to falling took a breath taking short amount of time – roughly 3 months after Ben Bernake made his infamous statement, Lehman Brothers declared bankruptcy. A strange attractor (rising housing prices) that had gone on for many decades turned around in a few months. That’s the way the transitions go. They happen very quickly and no one (even an intelligent designer) can predict when they will turn.

That’s why people can’t model the transition between strange attractors. It is not only too hard but I suspect there is no pattern to model. That transition is almost pure chaotic behavior and any small change can lead, very quickly, to large variances. If we were able to run the clock back and look at the financial meltdown of 2008 the number of interactions are so large that a change of one of them would have lead to another pathway and the timing would have been different. But the end result, a recession, would have been the same. We’ll explore the relationship between science, strange attractors, chaos and predictions in a later chapter.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Chapter 4 - Emergence

I remember clearly; it was a Friday afternoon in the spring. Only mathematicians would schedule classes at 3 in the afternoon, which meant we finished up around 4, way later than anyone else. I had been working on a set of problems surrounding the Suslin condition, named for Mikhail Suslin. I had proven some results and as we wound down for the afternoon they asked me to work on a problem over the weekend. I said I would and as I walked back to my dorm room I started thinking about the problem and it seemed pretty simple. I figured to have it solved before dinner. Later that night I was pacing back and forth in my room working on this problem. At the end of my pace (my room had about 6 feet of space so it was a short pace, I would spin around, click my heels and walk the other way. All the while I was listening to ear splittingly loud music (probably Yes’s Tales from Topographic Oceans or Fragile) which led to a knock (more of a pounding, to overcome the loud music) from the resident life coordinator who lived below. He asked if I could stop dancing, as my room was directly above is living room. After assuring him I was not dancing, but thinking, I modified my pacing, but kept on thinking. Over the weekend, I spent many hours thinking about this and came to class Monday afternoon empty handed, I couldn’t come up with a proof and expected to be told how simple the solution was if you just thought about it in a certain way. It was then that I was told that I wasn’t given just any problem, but the Suslin Problem. Not only was it deceptively simple but it had been shown to be undecideable. There was no proof! It wasn’t that I was unable to discover the proof, no proof existed! We’ll talk some more about what this means but it was the first time in my short mathematical career that I had heard that there were questions you could ask but for which there was no answer. I had expected more from mathematics – I expected every question had an answer. This idea was the germ of this chapter, many years in the making. Our discussions of hierarchy, interactions and chaos lay the foundation to talk about emergence.

An emergent property is a new level of complexity attained from combination of “lower organized” parts. Another way to say this is an emergent property is a new way of interacting. Since we’ve already said that, in physical terms, interacting is a force an emergent property is a new force. It derived from previous forces and structures, but it is a new force.

I find it best to look at examples of emergent properties.

· Gravity

· Life

· Self-awareness/Intelligence

· Language

· World economy

· Law

There are many others but I use this list to make a few points.  First off, physics has been adamant that gravity is one of the initial forces of the universe.  When physicists observed the universe is not only expanding, but expanding at a greater rate, they then ran the movie backwards to show them when the universe began.  The notion of the Big Bang came about through this analysis and is firmly part of current scientific thought.  While I had the idea that gravity emerged in 2008, my comments were met with silence.  It was completely unacceptable to think of the universe without gravity.  The fact that scientists have spent 80 years trying to merge the three quantum forces with gravity (the so-called Theory of Everything) to no success seemed unpersuasive.   I wrestled with this, convinced that based on the interactive approach to physics that gravity was indeed a new force that emerged.  In January 2010, Erik Verlinde, a string theorist from the University of Amsterdam, published a paper, “On the Origin of Gravity and the Laws of Newton.”  While still controversial, his approach shows that gravity is not a basic force of the universe but one that emerges.  In a subsequent e-mail, he told me, gravity  “is not a force that has to be assumed to be present from the start.”  
The emergence of gravity came to me as I was thinking, “What’s so special about the origin of life?”  My reading and studies of biological evolution showed how focused humans were on this discussion.  The Scopes Monkey trial was a long time ago and people are still divided on the topic of biological evolution.  Looking at how human intelligence developed, I was introduced to the notion of qualia, those structures in the brain that form the basis of awareness.  It appeared to me that the development of human awareness and intelligence follows the same development arc as the origin of life.  The same disagreements and arguments hold sway.  I saw the trajectory running from the origin of life, through awareness and into emergent properties created by humans and looked backwards.  What was so special about the origin of life that it was the first emergent property?  Was there anything predating the origin of life that shared the same notion of emergence?  Tracing the development arc backwards from awareness through life indicated gravity was a candidate for an emergent property.  Ever since the discovery of the principals of quantum theory, scientists have struggled to fit gravity into the theory.  Defining gravity as a new force that emerged frees us to look at gravity in a new way and may well lead to a new cosmological evolutionary pathway.  Science has not dealt with new forces and has used the universal existence of gravity as one of its primary assumptions.  Mostly, this is assumed because as long as humans have been in existence, there has been gravity and no reason to believe it wasn’t always so.  Such is the way of some new theories; they dare to ask why an assumption needs to be true?  Just like my amazement when I found that the Suslin Problem had no proof, I remember vividly that I felt the same way when I imagined emergent gravity. Time will tell if the theory of emergent forces “has legs” but we’ll explore the ramifications of this theory and some recent support for this line of reasoning.

Going back to the list of emergent properties, the first three items on the list were formed without human assistance and the last three were created by humans. That some emergent properties arise from intelligent humans has led some people to, incorrectly, reason that all emergent properties arise from intelligence. The notion of Intelligent Design is derived from this way of thinking. It doesn’t help that we humans have not figured out how emergence works, giving fuel to the fire. The reasoning is along the lines – we haven’t figured out how it works, so the way it works is beyond our understanding. If it is beyond our understanding, some other intelligent designer knows how to make emergent properties. I do not agree with this line of reasoning and have a suggestion in a bit of a different way to approach this. We’ll get to that in a few paragraphs but first, let’s look into emergent properties a little more.

The emergent property is a new force, expressed by a new way of interaction. In my studies, they appear to come about quickly but its affects take a much longer time to work its way through its surroundings. For example, I believe that when all is said and done, we’ll find that life came about quickly. The new interaction that life brought to the Earth was the “will to live.” As far as we can tell, non-living things like rocks and inorganic compounds have no will to live. To make things a little more complicated, scientists cannot agree on a definition of life. There are things that are clearly alive (humans) and things that are clearly not alive (rocks). There are also things like viruses where it is unclear if they are alive or not. Viruses exist in a dual state between dead (when outside a living creature) and alive (when it can hijack a cell’s reproductive apparatus). If scientists cannot agree on as simple a question as “What is Life?” you should expect some surprising things. Of course, just because a question is simple to ask does not mean it has a simple answer. Just as we found out in Chapter 2 that simple interactions can lead to complex behavior.

By talking about forces as interactions and allowing new forces to emerge, we change the way the universe evolves. Science has operated under the assumption that all of the forces of the universe are derived (evolved) from the basic laws of the universe – the three quantum forces and gravity. I claim that is not the case. The universe creates new forces that are unlike the forces that came before it and cannot be derived from them. We need to see if these new forces (like gravity and life) are truly new forces or phantom forces. Phantom forces feel like a force but are easily explained by other forces. Centrifugal force and coriolis effect are two of best known phantom forces. Centrifugal force comes about when you ride on a carousel. Newton’s laws say you want to go in a straight line but the carousel takes you in a circle. We “fell” like we are being pulled away from the carousel but that feeling of force is explained by Newton’s laws. The Coriolis Effect (not called a force, since it is phantom) comes about because of the rotation of the earth. It is a spherical version of centrifugal force and is again explained by Newton’s laws. Scientist have been trying for many years to explain how gravity is a basic force of universe and even longer on the origin of life. I will explain that the reason for this isn’t that there is an extra-terrestrial explanation of emergence but I believe we’ll discover that there isn’t a science of emergence. Scientists are beginning to explore the limitations of the traditional evolutionary approach. This doesn’t mean that creationists or Intelligent Design are valid interpretations of the data. It does suggest a middle ground that may show limits to the scientific method.

In the 16 October, 2010 cover article of New Scientist, Keith Bennett, professor of late-Quatemary environmental change at Queen’s University Belfast, writes about macroevolution – “big evolutionary events such as changes in biodiversity over time.” He writes, “Macroevolution is not the simple accumulation of microevolutinoary changes but has its own processes and patterns. There can be no “laws” of evolution. We may be able to reconstruct the sequences of events leading to the evolution of any given species after the fact, but we will not be able to generalise from these to other sequence of events. From a practical point of view, this means we will be unable to predict how species will respond to projected climate changes over the next century.”

He states that the reason there is no “law” of evolution is because of the chaotic nature of macroevolutionary change. Now we see why the discussion of chaos preceded this chapter. Lack of predictability does not imply there is no a process behind the universe. Indeed, there is a simple process that drives the universe and we discussed in Chapter 2 that this simple process yields complicated interactions. Somehow the universe finds a way to take these and form new ways of interaction, which leads to a new level of hierarchy which leads to new ways of interactions.

Human language is imprecise and has lead to a lot of arguments over time. Evolution is a term loaded with many meanings that has lead to arguments and legal proceedings (the famous Scopes “monkey” trial). I’d like to go back and address the notion of evolution and propose a new way of addressing the evolutionary process to clarify things.

Emergence and Evolution

Evolution is a process that extends beyond biology but in almost every paper I read, the term evolution is used in conjunction with biological evolution. (The article from the New Scientists, quoted above, is a perfect example of this loose terminology.) We need to get away from the biological-centric use of the term evolution. Evolution is a process that extends across all levels of hierarchy. In the general sense, evolution is the process which uses a selection criterion to determine which small changes to the system survive and which become extinct. In the case of biological evolution, the changes are genetic mutations and the selection criterion is Natural Selection, which is another way of saying life. Only living things can be subject to Natural Selection, so Natural Selection is another way of saying life. It becomes clear when we look at things this way that new, emergent forces lead to a new type of evolution, hence the need to qualify what sort of evolutionary process we’re talking about. When gravity emerged, gravitational evolution led to the creation of planets, stars and galaxies. When language emerged, language evolution led to the creation of many different languages. When the economy was created, economic evolution distributed wealth according to how successful the business idea was accepted by the market. (We hear about marketforces all the time.) A selection criterion is just another name for a emergent force.

In my writings, I ensure that I add an adjective to any use of the word evolution to make it clear what type of evolution is involved. The adjective describes the selection criteria (the emergence property) that drive the outcome of the evolutionary changes. I want to make it clear that biological evolution is only one of many types of evolution. Other forms of evolution predate biological evolution and many forms of evolution followed biological evolution. There are limits to the prediction capabilities of the theory of biological evolution. The article from New Scientist suggests that any evolutionary theory fails to predict a new emergent property. Biological evolution cannot explain the origin of life because it assumes life as the selection criteria. Confusion arises because we call the selection criteria Natural Selection, but that is semantics. Natural Selection is life and life is the reason and only reason that Natural Selection exists. Current work in the origin of species leads some to think that speciation, formation of new species, might be an emergent property. Let’s looks into this a little more.

Biological evolution is the scientific theory that describes how natural selection leads to changes in the physical and functional behaviors of an organism. Charles Darwin’s seminal work, “On the Origin of Species,” laid out the theory in great detail and with an impressive array of observational evidence. Further experiments and observations have improved the theory and nothing has ever disproved it. But Darwin’s theory of evolution does not explain the origin of species. In Daniel Dennett’s definitive book on Evolution, “Darwin’s Dangerous Idea,” he states “Controversy about the mechanism and principles of speciation still persists, in one sense neither Darwin nor any subsequent Darwinian has explained the origin of species.” [Emphasis mine] In March 2009, a New York Times article discussing the 150th anniversary of the publishing of Darwin’s Origin of Species stated, “While researchers agree that many of the recent breakthroughs would have come as a huge surprise to the grand old man [Darwin], they seem to disagree about almost everything else, from what a species is to what exactly is meant by the origin of species and even whether Darwin shed any light on the process at all.” [Emphasis mine]

Evolution explains how, when a species emerges, natural selection works to create a diversity of the species – call them varieties. But according to the current writings, evolution does not explain how species originate. Evolution is the process by which an emergent property fills the new niches available to it. This is not proof that speciation is an emergent property, but perhaps, as Dr. Bennett suggest, we approach speciation in a different way.

Through the years, people have used the term evolution to include emergence and I’d like to put a stop to this. We need to make a clear differentiation between the evolutionary process and emergent force. We also need to qualify the word evolution to indicate which emergent property is acting as the selection criteria. So if we are talking about evolution and natural selection, we should always refer to biological evolution. Evolution always requires selection criteria to determine which changes are preserved and which are discarded. The term evolution should be a general term not tied to any specific selection criteria and any specific use of the term should always be qualified.

Emergent Properties, Evolution and Intelligent Design

I want to restate the relationship between evolution and emergence. The emergent property is a new way of interacting and evolution is the process that makes small changes that allow the emergent property to spread out into the world and inhabit every niche and cranny. You can’t have a little life. Once live emerged on the Earth, biological evolution spread it into every niche available. Today we find living creatures in the most unlikely places. Similarly, gravity is a candidate for an emergent property and gravitational evolution lead to the accumulation of mass into dust, planets, suns and galaxies. The evolution process works because it can make good things better. Daniel Dennett in Darwin’s Dangerous Idea calls this the Principal of Accumulated Design. Since the emergence property is only organizing the constituent parts into new forms and shapes, things can only get so bad. If a living thing dies, it returns to its constituent parts – ashes to ashes, dust to dust. This conservation property means that as new emergent properties develop, the world becomes more organized but energy/mass conservation is observed.

Emergence filled the “gap” between non-life and life and that process is not well understood at all, and subject to great disagreement between reasonable people. It is an area of active research and our current level of understanding is weak. Biological evolution took life and spread it throughout the Earth, filling in the small gaps, or niches, through mutation and the natural selection process. Reasonable people should not disagree over biological evolution and they do not. (Unreasonable people can disagree about anything. That is not my intent here to make the case for biological evolution. Many other books and papers attempt to prove to creationists that biological evolution is a fully formed theory.)

Every example of emergence we can “explain” has been created by humans. The economy and legal system are examples of new ways to interact. Since science has not yet come up with an explanation of how emergent properties form in “nature” it is makes sense to think that some sort of intelligent design is at work here. Self organization is the term some use in discussing these emergent properties that form without human intervention. To me, the term intelligent design is another way of expressing the ideas of self organization. Regardless of your assumption on the existence of an Intelligent Designer, we should continue exploring the world of self-organizing systems. We may yet come up with an explanation of emergent properties.

The Nature of the Emergence

I have come to think of the emergent properties not as a fork in the road or a gap but as a waterfall. To continue the analogy we need to talk some about white water rafting. Rivers tend to follow the pattern of alternating slow moving and fast moving portions. The fast moving portions are called drops, for obvious reasons, and the slow moving portions are called pools. People refer to white water rivers as drop-and-pool runs. You have a section of rapids followed by a relatively calm portion. These two parts of the river are directly related to the structure of the rock bed underneath. As the river initially flowed through the channel, parts of the rock were softer or more porous than others and those eroded more quickly. The flow of the river also changed as more rain caused the river flow to increase and periods of drought caused low flow. This ebb and flow of water combined with the structure of the river bed lead to the eventual configuration of drops and pools. When the drop gets to a certain stage, we call is a waterfall. Structurally, there is no difference between a rapid or a waterfall but if you are in a canoe or kayak, the difference is great,

The current literature on evolution talks about gaps in design and we’ve mentioned the term “jumping the gap.” I believe there is no gap, at least in the physical sense that it is used. There are two complementary things going on in the universe, emergence creates new ways of interaction and the evolutionary process takes those new interactions to spreads it throughout the environment. The gaps we see are partially caused by our perspective. As I mentioned, we are looking back in time which is similar to trying to paddle up white water river. When you get to a waterfall, it certainly looks like a gap – one that you can’t get across. There’s no way to paddle a canoe up a waterfall. However, if you were coming down the river, you find the waterfall as a “serious” drop. You might not want to negotiate it in your canoe or kayak, but you certainly could.

I don’t want to take the analogy too far. In a white water rapid (or waterfall) nothing emerges at the bottom. An emergent property is a new way to interact and introduces a new force into the world. I am still working on a good analogy for this but come up empty handed. Again, the idea that new forces arise is a new idea that is not part of the scientific method or scientific thought. Science does have the notion of phantom forces, like centrifugal force. When you steer your car around a corner, you feel a force that “pushes” you in an opposite direction of the curve. If you turn left, your body leans to the right. We call this centrifugal force but it isn’t a force at all, hencethe term phantom force. You body and car have been traveling in a straight line and when the car turns, your body want to continue to go in a straight line. Since you are joined to the car (through gravitational attraction in the seat) you eventually turn to the left but that change from moving in a straight line and turning left yields the centrifugal force. The coriolis force is another phantom force, caused by the rotation of the earth. Phantom forces can be explained in terms of the three elementary forces and gravity. We’re not talking about phantom forces here. We’re talking about completely new forces that emerge.

It is time to talk about the relationship between emergence and evolution.

How do forces emerge?

Just to be clear. No one has any good ideas how mew forces emerge. The history of science has been based on the assumption that all forces can be derived from the three quantum forces and gravity. I’d like to talk about some of the conditions needed for a force to emerge and some details of how a new force might emerge. Chaotic behavior is needed for a property to emerge. Nothing will ever emerge from the classical world and their attractors. A necessary condition for emergence is strange attractors. But chaotic behavior isn’t enough. There needs to be a high level of interaction in order under some constraints to obtain emergence. In fact, I’ve come to look at emergence as developing from chaotic behavior under constraint. Think of an explosion as an uncontrolled event where the energy literally blows things apart. Emergence has the level of intensity of an explosion, but instead of flying apart, it is focused inwardly and there is a transition to a new level of interaction. For example, a nuclear explosion uses the power of the strong nuclear force to generate a lot of energy that spreads out quickly. The sun uses the same strong nuclear force but, under the constraint of gravity, gradually produces energy that is released much, much more slowly. This controlled energy produces new, heavier elements from the basic building blocks of electrons, protons and neutrons. These elements are then spread out throughout the galaxy when the sun finally explodes, only to be brought together by gravity into planets where they can be used to create ever more complex properties – like life.

One physical characteristic that seems to be related to emergence is phase transitions. We all know that water comes in three phases – vapor, liquid and solid (ice). Scientists have spent a lot of time studying the process where water vapor liquefies and water freezes. It is a most complicated scenario and one that even today is not fully understood. (So it isn’t farfetched to think that since we don’t understand phase transitions that we don’t understand emergence.) The transition from solid to liquid has some of the properties of emergence, in that liquid water has different ways to interact than ice, but there is more to emergence.

We really should discuss entropy at this point, because it is related to emergence.

Entropy is a measure of organization. Larger values of entropy mean a system is more random (less organized). So your car is a highly organized piece of equipment. Someone had to put a lot of energy to build your car. A car will not organize itself out the parts all by itself. But it is how you apply the energy that makes a car “emerge” out of the individual parts. If you just took an explosive, put it into the pile of parts and lit the fuse you would certainly put energy into the system, but you would blow it apart. That same energy, applied in a directed way, can create an automobile. The car has less entropy than the parts that went into it.

Left to its own devices, your car’s entropy increases and the level of organization decreases. Eventually, you are left with a rusted pile of junk where the car used to be. Things fall apart unless you do something (which requires energy) to maintain and organize them. Even worse, the universe is put together in such a way that entropy always increases. The only way you can decrease entropy is to increase it somewhere else. We see that on Earth. The Sun is increasing its entropy by burning as a “controlled” nuclear reactor. The heat from this reaction warms the Earth and allowed life to emerge (decreasing entropy). Our gain is the Sun’s loss and it is always the case, there are winners (entropy decreases) and losers (entropy increases). In fact, if you hearken back to our discussion in Chapter 1 on hierarchy you’ll notice that as the level or organization increases in the universe, the total amount of organized material decreases. There are more quantum particles than solid matter. There is more inert matter than living matter. There is more un-intelligent life on the Earth than intelligent life. As you organize things more and more, you must leave behind more and more un-organized detritus to balance out the scale. So there is a limit to how organized physical systems can become and I suspect we’ve reached that level on Earth. The emergent process appears to have reached a physical limit in the origin of human intelligence. It isn’t because the physical part of the planet earth has stopped the emergent process, but the emergence of intelligence endowed us with the ability to create things with ideas much more quickly and free us from slowness of physical emergence.

In addition to physical entropy, entropy can also correspond to information. Once intelligent creatures created the concept of information, we were freed from physical constraints. While there is only so much physical mass in the universe, information has no limits to the things that can emerge. Information and it associated properties of language (spoken and written) free us from physical limitations. Information still follows the U-ROC, things change by interacting. Information is just something that forms that basis of interaction between intelligent objects. Technology allows us to increase the speed of information interaction (we can talk on phones where the information travels at the speed of light rather than the speed of sound) and the range of interaction (we can talk to anyone in the world now and are not limited to just talking to people near us). It is worth noting that while technology can increase the speed and range of information interactions, it has no effect on the quality of the interaction. I think this is a basic limitation of technology. Technology can improve productivity but it does not improve quality of life. Remember when people said we’d eventually have a 20 hour work week because technological advances would make us more productive and we’d have more leisure time? That didn’t happen because in a capitalistic society, you need to maximize profits so the increased productivity allowed us to produce more in the 40 hour work week, not work 20 hours. It is effects like this that make us question the definition of progress.